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Our admin team, headed by Mrs Hine, is happy to help with any queries you may have. If you would like to contact a specific member of staff by email please send to info@hythe.surrey.sch.uk and put the staff name in the subject life. Your email will be forwarded on to them. 

Please find contact details for specific teachers on our staff page.

If your query is urgent please contact us by phone as emails may not be responded to immediately. We aim to respond to all emails within 48 working hours.

Main Office: 01784 452 972

Mrs Hine/ General Office : info@hythe.surrey.sch.uk 

Mrs Peart (Headteacher): head@hythe.surrey.sch.uk

Mrs Humphreys (Centre Manager) Harbour Centre: harbour.centre@hythe.surrey.sch.uk

Mrs McKee (SENDco - special educational needs coordinator) k.mckee@hythe.surrey.sch.uk 

Kidzone Pre & After School Club: kidzone@hythe.surrey.sch.uk

Chair of Governors: chairofgovernors@hythe.surrey.sch.uk




 Find Us.

Hythe Community School, Thorpe Road, Staines, TW18 3HD

If you are visiting by car you will need to park on nearby roads as parking on site is limited and reserved for school staff. Our car park does have two disabled parking bays for Blue Badge holders.

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