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 School Meals

The Hythe has its own school kitchen managed by Twelve15. For more information about school meals please click here

The price of a school meal is £2.80 per day, for pupils in Key Stage 2, and free to pupils in Early Years and Key Stage 1, under the Universal Free School Meal Scheme.  Our preferred method of payment is online. We use a safe payment system called SCOPay. You will be given an activation code when your child enrols at our school.

Some parents are eligible for free school meals. We require you to complete a free school meal application form and then we will verify this with the free school meal checking service.  It is important that you complete this form, even if you are in Year R, 1 or 2 as this will entitle you to receive other benefits under the Pupil Premium scheme, if your application is successful.

All meals are to be pre-booked. Therefore, please pre-book/log your child's meals on the SCOPay app or via www.scopay.com, through the calendar feature.  Please enter your choices, whether it is a school option or a packed lunch from home. This will enable you to know what your child is having each day, keep an eye on your dinner balance, and also help us increase efficiency in placing the requests with the canteen.  Please see the guide below to help you get started.  You can also pre-book using the SCOPay App. 

To choose the Halal version of the meat option shown, please enter H in your usual way.

 SCOPAY Parent Guide - Ordering Meals (1).pdfDownload
 Twelve15 Spring Summer 2024 Hythe.pdfDownload
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Special Diets

If your child has special dietary requirements – food intolerance, allergy or follows a cultural or religious diet or is a vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, or follows a pork or beef free diet and you wish them to have a school meal you will need to complete an application form and a coy of the special diets menus please contact the School Office. For more information on special diets provided by Twelve15 click on this link :-https://itstwelve15.co.uk/allergies/

 Twelve15 SS2024 Allergy Aware Menu (1).pdfDownload
 Twelve15 SS2024 Dairy Free Menu.pdfDownload
 Twelve15 SS2024 Egg Free Menu.pdfDownload
 Twelve15 SS2024 Menu made without ingredients that contain Gluten.pdfDownload
 Twelve15 SS2024 Soya Free Menu.pdfDownload
 Twelve15 SS2024 Vegan Menu.pdfDownload
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If your child has any allergies please refer to the menu plan and select G for the main option or J for the jacket potato with beans option,  when pre-ordering.

Please watch the video below made by Twelve15 to show how to pre-order food via the SCOPay app, this example is for pupils with allergies.


Packed Lunches

Pupils can bring a packed lunch in.  Please bear in mind that at The Hythe we promote healthy eating.

There are many sources of ideas on packing a healthy lunch, in short the guidance recommends that it should contain :

  • - a starchy food for energy (wholegrain bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, couscous)
  • - a protein food for growth (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, beans, peas)
  • - fruit, vegetables, salad for essential nutrients (fresh or dried fruit, salad items)
  • - a dairy food for calcium (milk, cheese, yogurt, fromage frais)
  • - a drink for hydration (water, milk, fruit juice, smoothie or yogurt drink)

Foods with high salt, sugar or fat content should be minimised where possible (crisps, high fat spreads, cakes and biscuits, chocolate items, white bread).

Due to nut allergies in the school we cannot allow any products containing nuts. 

Playtime Snacks
Pupils in Reception. Year 1 and Year 2 classes are offered fruit and vegetable snacks at morning playtime free of charge, provided by a local supplier. Playtime snacks include satsumas, apples, pears, carrots, raisins, bananas, tomatoes and strawberries, and there is enough for at least one per child.