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Do you shop online?

Did you know that every time you buy something you could be raising money for

The Hythe Community Primary School?

That’s right - over 3000 well known retailers including Amazon, M&S, Boden, Waitrose, House of Fraser, Vodafone, Virgin Atlantic and many more, will donate a percentage of what you spend to The Hythe Community Primary School! when you shop with them, via fundraising website easyfundraising.org.uk

It doesn't cost you anything - just shop online using our partner retailers including:AmazonJohn LewisM&S and over 2000 others. When you make purchases, they will donate money to your chosen cause. 

There are lots of special offers and evouchers to download too!   Easy fundraising just by shopping online!!


Already have an account? Click on the link below to Start Shopping



New to Easyfundraising?      Follow the three easys steps below to start raising money for us.... 



1) Click on the link http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/hythecps

2) Click on the SIGN ME UP button and complete the form.

3) Each time you shop online, see if the site you are using is registered with easyfundraising.org.uk. If it is - see what percentage they donate, click the link and shop as normal. The percentage of what you spend will be donated automatically to our fund.

It really is as easy as that so don't delay, register today!!! Tell all your friends and family...........

All you need to remember is to make sure you access your favourite online shops through our fundraising web site before you shop, and all our children will benefit!

NB: all purchases through easyfundraising our completely secure and we do not see what you have purchased just the amount raised for the school.



Are you one of the millions of people that use a search engine every day?

Switch your searching to easysearch and raise money!

easysearch logo                               


Every time you search the web using http://hythecps.easysearch.org.uk/ instead of Google or any other search engine, half a penny is raised for The Hythe Community Primary School.  Search just 15 times a day and you can raise around £25 a year.

See what people are saying about easysearch:

"easysearch is a great idea and just as good as Google for the results! I’ve recommended it to my friends and I think this site is the best around as it does something for people. Well done!"

"What a fantastic idea! I was using Google anyway but this way I get to raise money for my good cause every time I search…brilliant! I’ve made easysearch my homepage!"

So the next time you need to find something online, please use http://hythecps.easysearch.org.uk/ and raise money for our school with every search you make.

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