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School trips and events

Here at The Hythe School we offer a fantastic range of day visits and in-school visitors. These events help to enrich and enhance the children's learning whilst supporting the curriculum subjects.

To enable the trips and visits planned this year to go ahead we completely rely on the goodwill of, and encourage, parents to make a voluntary contribution.  The PTA usually make a large contribution each year towards the overall costs which enables us to keep the price per pupil to a minimum.  We are required, however, to point out that if we do not receive enough contributions towards the costs of these events then the activities will be cancelled. Therefore your support is invaluable in ensuring these can go ahead.

The Hythe School offers a secure, confidential online payment site at www.scopay.com. This is now our preferred method of payment.  You will need an Activation Code for initial set up, please contact the school office email info@hythe.surrey.sch.uk for details.  Please note that we are now a 'cashless' school.                           

Volunteer Helpers

To comply with the correct adult to child ratio on school visits we occasionally require extra adult assistance. Any parents / carers who wish to help on a school visit must complete an online DBS application. Please note that DBS applications are processed in the strictest confidence at no cost to our volunteers.  Please contact the School Office for an application form to be sent to you, email info@hythe.surrey.sch.uk. Thank you.



Terms and Conditions for off-site trips and activities:

By giving consent via SCOPay or the consent form, you agree to your son/daughter taking part in any or all of the activities described.  You must ensure that your child understands that it is important for his/her safety and for the safety of the group, that all rules and instructions given by the staff are obeyed.  You understand that, while the school, staff, or helpers in charge of the party will take all reasonable care of the young people, unless they are negligent they cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by your son/daughter arising out of the trip.  You therefore (hereby) agree to indemnify The Hythe School, its employees and agents against all liability for injury, loss to persons including death and damage to property, legal expenses and direct consequential losses or damage due to the acts, or default of your son/daughter unless the illness, injury or death was due to the negligence of The Hythe School, its employees or agents.

You consent to any emergency medical treatment necessary during the course of the visit and must advise the school in writing if any new medical conditions come to light. 

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